Thursday, September 27, 2012

Role models and idols!

            Bill Haley, Buddy Hall, Eddie Cochran, Gene Vincent, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Tommy Steele, Clift Richard, Billy Fury, Marty Wilde, and of course the most famous and biggest idol ever was Elvis Presley!


  1. I love all of the pictures. They remind me of Greasers from the Outsiders. -- Natalie.

  2. I love the fact that you choose all black and whites photos. It fits the topic and theme of your blog. Nice work! : )

  3. I think all of your pictures are very good :)

  4. The pictures are amazing. Great job with this blog.

  5. I like the black and white it brings out the time age where there was no color. The pictures related to the topic discussed which gave a visual picture of the words.

  6. I am a very visual person and the pictures used helped me to see the different ways they dress and their smoking patterns.

  7. I love the background of this blogger. I like how this blogger is very easy to read and understandable.

  8. The background is very nice. The pictures explain the time period a lot!

  9. I really liked the monochrome on this blog. The information was great too!

  10. cool pictures and nice background. i agree with you that elvis probably played a big role model to them
